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2021-06-15 09.36.59-2.heic


Written by Extra Umi

June 2021

There is a calm that rises over me

when his voice is in my ear.

And yet, there is heartache -

For he is far and not near.

How many miles my love?

One-thousand three-hundred fifty-three.

Every inch and every mile feels...

Like FOREVER when you're away from me.

Oh! To have you and to hold you -

To breathe in your sun-soaked skin;

And give our anguish back to the gods

As we pray and reap in -

For we were born sinners.

And so, we too shall sin -

over and over, and then...

over and over again.


Hello my loves. These past couple of months have been...a lot! Ending a relationship, moving out, working on music, searching for work and putting myself back out there.

Currently, I'm in the process of recording music, establishing a set-list. If you'd like to support me in this journey and receive access to exclusive content featuring musicians and artists from all over the world, you can!

For just $1 a month, you can help this starving artist generate more music-related content. Check out my Patreon.

All proceeds go towards generating more content, contests and collaborative projects.



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Black Magic

Photographed by San Diego-based Art Director, Devin Woods

"Black Magic" photography project was inspired by Eminem's latest release two-part release: Music to be Murdered By. Which, in of itself, was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock. In his song Black Magic, E references a woman who has his "heart in chains."

I don't know if it's the the beats or the narratives - it's all of it really. I was just picturing myself having that type of power over a man and in that, my mind went into the dark mindset and in that mindset, this image was created.


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You ever look back at your life and think, why did I allow myself to be so fucking stupid? That's where I'm at right now. I'm looking at the past six-and-a-half and sure, there was a lot of personal growth - I suppose that's what happens when you stay in a spot for a long period of time - it's either grow or shrink and die. I'll take the former.

Still, that entire period of my life is a blanket of abstract denial that is really starting to dawn on me. How long had I been settling with contentment? Is contentment really the goal of life? I don't know about you but I want to live a life that's full of light, happiness and love and what I have been living with for almost a decade, is the fact that the man that I once loved had no idea how to love me.

With this realization in mind, I started pouring all of my pain and frustration into my music and THANK GOD I did because, after years and years of trying to figure myself out - I discovered me.

Right now, shit is crazy and chaotic with an underlying wave of calm - that might have something to do with the music or it might because I'm over here catching feelings from another man who is one-thousand three-hundred and fifty-three miles aways.

I have a feeling that life has a lot in store for me and in the meantime, I need to do everything I can to get ready. Be sure to follow or subscribe to stay in the know.

Got questions? Suggestions? Reach out.




Chasing Happiness

If you had the opportunity to truly pursue your happiness but it meant leaving everything you once knew behind, could you do it?

This past year has proven to be quite the conundrum.

I woke up and realized that I wasn't happy. I was depressed. Stressed. Anxious. Tired. Frustrated. What's more is that I realized that I wasn't the only one who wasn't waking up happy. I decided that it was time to do something about it.

To start, I did one of the hardest things I have had to do in a long time and that was end a dead-end relationship. Of course, I didn't wake up knowing that this was what was going to happen. After all, this had been a man that I had spent nearly a decade trying to build a life with. I had gone through the phase of picturing our wedding, our children, our home, and our life together but no matter how much work I put in - it ultimately didn't matter. He and I just weren't meant to be. Coming to this realization however, was quite a roller-coaster ride.

There was a moment when I woke up in the bed next to him and reached out to touch him and he didn't respond to my touch. It felt as though he was millions of miles away. There was another instant when I went to hug him and when I did, the energy was as though two magnets were being expelled from each other. To say that it was all jarring is putting it lightly. It used to be that I could find refuge in his arms but it was as though the universe was trying to tell me that our opposites did not attract. I was bound to go my way and he, his.

Of course, I wish I had been this wise in my early dating days. But no matter what age, relationships ending are always sort of shitty or bitter-sweet. It's hard watching a beautiful dream wither away and die. It's hard going through the photographs and swirling through the emotions from the beginning. But once, I make up my mind, I stick to it because I'm not a back-peddling bitch.

I've made that mistake - going back under the guise that "things will change," but rarely do they and if they do, the change that happens usually quickly dissipates and it's back at ground zero and after awhile of going round-n'-round, eventually, there is the realization that in and of itself, it's insanity and I didn't come into this world to go crazy, I came into this world to be loved and chasing happiness is my road to that love.

If you want to stay up-to-date on this story, subscribe and check out my blog. New content coming weekly.





What about me? I always hate writing these things. It's always hard because I never know where to start. You want to know about me now, me then, or me in the future?

Right now, I'm working on music, rehearsing, organizing and campaigning trying to gain recognition in an industry already laden with creative ingenuity, expressiveness and talent. So right now, I'm trying to figure myself out and work to stand out.

Formerly, I was a lot and have been through a lot of things that forced or prompted me to grow.

As for the future - we'll see.


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